Living Lessons

“Living Lessons” is a page dedicated to the wise words that our elders have to share. No matter your own life story, I’m confident you’ll find comfort, guidance and maybe even a good laugh from those who have already been there.




A Different Time


  1. Pat Jones said:

    Beverly, I was really blessed to read your interview about life lessons. Having known you all these years has been a real gift from God.
    I loved the picture, what a cutie.
    Pat Jones

    September 23, 2014
  2. Holly Stahl said:

    I have only known Alice a few years, we came together because of a dog named Oreo. Alice is one of the most caring and “real” people I know. She doesn’t tell you what you want to hear she tells you what she honestly thinks. I cherish our friendship and look forward to many years of puppy play dates with Alice and Oreo.

    October 7, 2014

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